Sunday, November 25, 2012

More baby memories with the Family!

No pictures this time, but wanted to document some of the fun baby conversations we have been having lately!

I was sick with the nasty stomach flu about a month ago, so my teacher friend Stephanie came and picked up Caden to take him to school.  She asked Caden if he had anymore good baby names for us--he thought awhile and came up with Jelly--Steph asked--like Peanut Butter and Jelly--yes, that is what he meant--and Stephanie--could you please email my mom to tell her that name! 

I clarified with Caden on that name when he got home and he said he meant Gelly, not Jelly--so there are more names to add to the list!

Brynn on the other hand is all about Princesses right now and has decided Little Princess Ariel is a great character and a great name!  Our daycare provider said that she is telling everyone at daycare that Ariel is the baby's name and about a week ago, we went out to eat at Logan's and the manager walked by and checked in with us and then asked if we were having a baby around Christmas time.  Caden said YES and it will be a sister.  The lady said congratulations and Brynn piped up--and her name will be Little Princess Ariel.  The lady was quite impressed as were all the Aunt and Uncles that she told over Thanksgiving.  I asked Layne if we should tell Brynn that might not be the baby's name--he just grinned and shrugged and told me in another month, we might really like that name!!
I must admit, it has grown on me but we will add Gelly, Jelly, and Ariel to the list and as of this morning Brynn's new idea was Ballet Kitty!

Brynn also had a great name for our friend Kylie who is having a boy--she first thought Princess would be a good name, but when I reminded her that it needed to be a boy's name, she thought and thought and came up with Bob the Builder--because Bob is a boy--she even had to call Kylie to tell her that name--we have had a lot of laughs over all these fun name ideas!

Brynn is also famous for coming up and loving on my tummy and then starts laughing and tells me--that baby is kicking me again Mommy--even though I know she is not--I think she is just getting us ready for all the joys of three kiddos!

Caden has had a few questions about how this baby is going to come out--he is determined that she will come out feet first--I told him that I hope not, we want her to come our head first just like he did and there he has to argue with me that No, he came out feet first, too--he knows he did--I tried to correct him again, but then just left it alone--stubborn child will always think he is right--I will have to drag out his baby pictures to see if I can convince him otherwise!

Thankful for my children and all the joy and laughter they bring to our household!

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