Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ages 2 and 4!

I try to get a good set of pictures of the kiddos every year. This year I begged my friend Mindy to take their pictures and here are the results! Our friend Sarah was passing through and came to help with the fun as well! Caden did awesome--bribery works so well with him--he was told if he listened, smiled, and took good pictures, he would get icecream and could play with Carter--it worked like a charm! Brynn was a little harder to convince, but Mindy still got some good shots! So here is Caden at 4 and Brynn at 2!

A little bit of fun with Sarah!

Here is Caden!


Both of our kids!

Thank you so much Mindy for taking the time to take our pictures and helping me choose some great ones--now I just have to take the time to go get them printed--on my "to do list!"

1 comment:

  1. love love love these little kiddos in the pics. so cute!
